
Case studies in disease understanding and drug design.

Read case studies about how we've accelerated the development of new, innovative drugs with our proprietary explainable AI.

From data to discovery: Case study success stories.

Best in class in silico disease understanding and drug design company.

Dive into our curated collection of case studies, showcasing how Abzu’s cutting-edge technology is reshaping the landscape of disease understanding and drug design.

Abzu pharma services develops drugs faster
A strategic partnership with Contera Pharma included ASO and siRNA therapeutic designs and target identification.
Abzu’s QLattice uniquely identified key “partner” genes involved in skin spaceflight response, a new discovery for how spaceflight damages skin.
Stratifying patients at pretreatment by answering the question: Can we distinguish which patients will respond to OMO-103 treatment at baseline?
Simple models accurately predicted and explained key biomarkers for successful clinical trial test of siRNA designed to downregulate.
Abzu's in-house activity models for RNA therapeutics are best-in-class for designing safe ASOs.

Proven team, technology, and results.

Abzu is at the forefront of innovation, empowering groundbreaking results in pharma, biotech, and research institutions.

Abzu is your partner in understanding and design.

A cycle of innovation and optimization — to realization.

Whether we start with designs or your data, Abzu provides you the insights and confidence to accelerate your R&D and transform concepts into market-ready drugs.

Abzu’s story and mission:

Ready to transcend black-box AI and ordinary analytics?

Founded in 2018, Abzu has established itself as the best in class in silico disease understanding and drug design company.

Our proprietary explainable AI is the cornerstone of our approach. Combined with our in-house scientific expertise, we accelerate the development of new, innovative drugs.

"Abzu" in Sumerian cuneiform

“Abzu” is an Ancient Sumerian word meaning “subterranean water,” with an additional religious context of “the source of everything.”

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